Thursday, October 13, 2011

From this project, I have learnt the importance of time management. From the start of the project, I should have seen it through with full effort from the beginning till the end. While doing the project, I learnt the Principles of Design, how to use colour and shapes in consideration of the design. Looking at all sides of the idea is an important skill in the future, and will benefit me when I grow up and go out to work.

One of the most challenging portions was the time management required. The project ended off close to the EOYs, and dividing time between revision and the project were difficult. More effort should have been put in on my part, in the beginning of the project, to avoid such difficulty. The softwares used also made it more difficult and time consuming, as some faults in the software caused much hair-pulling and teeth-grinding.

I could have spent more time understanding the task and thinking through all of my choices, explaining them clearly in my journal. This would have helped me to avoid the confusion that occurred in the midst of the rushing of the project.